Let's face it, cuts can hurt. A paper cut can really hurt. Any kind of wound or injury can hurt.
I remember walking around barefoot outside during the summer and stepping on a broken bottle and getting glass in my foot. Not only did the wound bleed and bleed and bleed and scare my mom half to death—it also hurt!
I am not here to tell you that cuts, booboos, ouchies, punctures, and wounds don't hurt. They do. What I want to share with you are some simple steps to help you heal faster.
A Recent Example
A few days ago, I was awoken at about 1 a.m. by the sound of blood-curdling screams coming from my living room. I bolted out of my bed and to the living room in about two steps.
My granddaughter was sitting on her day bed (where she sleeps while we are remodeling) with the side of her face in her hand. I yelled, "What happened?"
I was scared. Had something fallen on her? Was she having a nightmare?
As soon as she calmed herself down enough to speak, through her sobs, I heard, "Groot scratched my face."

Groot is our 8-month-old terrier-poodle mix puppy. (He's the one on the right in the photo. He weighs about 5 pounds.)
Anyway, he had been lying in the day bed with her and he saw the cat and bolted from the bed using her face as a "launchpad!"
After hugging and comforting her for several moments and strongly chastising Groot verbally, she finally pulled her hand away from her face so I could see the damage.
I expected a little scratch. I was surprised, however, to see several long scratches on her face.

I wasn't surprised that she was crying!
She had two fairly long scratches and one shorter scratch. They were hot and had made welts. The area around the scratches was red.
I calmed myself down. I needed her to see that I was calm so that her tears would dry up.
After I touched the scratches, then I told her that I wanted to put some medicine on the scratches.
I got out my trusty bottle of Pure&Clean First Aid Spray and sprayed the wound to make sure it was clean. Who knows that Groot might have walked in that was under his claws?
After that had dried, I sprayed on some Pure&Clean Hydrogel.
She said it still hurt, which didn't surprise me. But within about half an hour she was sleeping again.

In the morning, I asked to see her scratches. I was pleased to see that the welts had vanished and the healing was already well underway.
The small scratch was mostly gone and the two longer scratches were healing nicely.
I applied more first aid spray after washing her face and then applied more hydrogel and sent her to school.
When she got home, we repeated the process.
Then we went out for supper and went to a movie.
When we got home, we applied some more hydrogel.
This is what we saw this morning.

WOW! In about 52 hours, the ugly scratches were nearly gone. They were no longer raised welts and were merely very thin lines. I anticipate they will be gone completely by the end of the week if not sooner.
She said the scratches don't hurt at all. (They stopped hurting that first night).
There are no visible signs of infection. She is sold on Pure&Clean and so am I!
Here are a few links to previous stories that were told you about this miraculous product.
You can learn a lot more about Pure&Clean.
Pure&Clean products can help with sunburn, bug bites, burns, cuts, and more.
What if you get a bug bite?
Well, there are several things you can do to reduce the itch. Again, WebMD suggested the following:
Wash the area with soap and water.
Apply calamine lotion or anti-itch cream.
Put an ice pack on the bite.
Take an over-the-counter antihistamine.
But what if there was a better, all-natural solution that would speed up the recovery time and be helpful in so many other ways, too? For example, if you were out helping your neighbors clean up after one of the storms that have been striking and you got a sunburn. Wouldn't it be nice to have a product that would help with bug bites and sunburn?
LastGerm has got you covered!
In our partnership with Pure&Clean, we can provide solutions to many of the problems that ail you. For example, the very versatile Pure&Clean Hydrogel can work wonders on your bug bits and sunburn and more. Check out the following about the product.
Pure&Clean Hydrogel Statements: • Non-Cytotoxic
• DIY Skin Protection
• An environmentally friendly product
• Doctor and Pharmacist Recommended
• Works to manage the wound and skin, frequent and regular applications will help accelerate the process and return your skin back to its normal healthy state.
• Simple to use: Just spray it on!
• Contains no antibiotics, no steroids, and no alcohol for a sting-free first aid product!
• All natural
• Promotes health and wellness
• Manages wounds and skin with positive results
• Spray all intact skin including hands
Hydrogel is Safe for the management of:
• Minor wounds
• Cuts
• Scrapes
• Scratches
• Blisters
• Sunburns
• Poisoned plant sap irritations
• Rashes
• Insect bites and stings
About Pure&Clean

Pure&Clean is a young family-owned business that offers an amazing line of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) products. What is HOCl? Glad you asked. HOCl is a naturally occurring molecule that is produced by our neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) to fight bacteria and inflammation after trauma. Because it is naturally produced by all mammals, our stable solution is completely non-cytotoxic and can be used in sensitive areas, even around the face, nose, ears, and eyes. HOCl is known to be a broad-spectrum solution that kills bacteria, viruses, funguses, and even spores. Our process and quality of ingredients are unmatched in the marketplace, which is proven by our results and our HOCl industry's best FDA-cleared shelf life (not reduced by opening the bottle). What sets Pure&Clean apart?
24-month shelf life, not affected by opening the bottle
Stable pH between 5.5 - 6.5, promotes healing without damaging the most delicate cells
Produced through a proprietary, electrolysis process
If you have questions about Pure&Clean and how Lastgerm is working with them to bring you more quality products that make your life safer and better, contact an agent near you who will be happy to assist you.