Lysol, Clorox, Purell, Pine-Sol, Pure & Clean, Windex, Seventh Generation, and all the major brand names you might know in between.

However, have you ever stopped and wondered what's in them? They do a great job of cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces, objects, and practically anything tangible. Whether we recognize these brands or not on the store shelves, we see these products, take them home, and use them without even considering what they're made of.
There are so many products and brands to choose from, especially now during a pandemic, where we have become much more vigilant in the way we clean that we might overlook what's actually in the product themselves. The fact still remains, we're cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting more than ever before.
What we see today is an emergence of products rushing to get the EPA's blessing on whether their products are deemed acceptable for use, or the opposite, in the case of hand sanitizers, actually have been banned as suppliers ship them into the country without being reviewed by the EPA or FDA in the first place.
While these products may work effectively on surfaces or objects, it is important to follow their labels and safety guidelines. You'll also want to keep in mind the potential implications or side effects the product you're bringing home might cause if used incorrectly or in general. If a cleaning product or chemical is harmful or you need to be careful using it, it will likely have one or more of these words on the label:
Before you pick up a bottle of cleaner that sanitizes and disinfects, ask yourself, "This product meets my cleaning and disinfection needs, but does it meet my safety needs?"
Let's look at one popular product... Sodium hypochlorite - a.k.a. BLEACH
Brand names like Clorox immediately come to mind since they began marketing chlorine bleach at the turn of the 20th century. We use bleach for making white clothes whiter, dark hair blonder, swimming pools cleaner, and surfaces a lot less germier in our homes or businesses. Chlorine bleach is easy to use, safe if you follow the directions carefully, and inexpensive to make and buy.
The EPA approves Clorox and Lysol products for use, but they warn users that they can cause temporary eye injuries, and users must wash their hands after use. The problem with these products is that there's an opportunity for misuse and injury is possible. Another fact to highlight environmentally is that they are harmful to aquatic life. Choosing a brand to stick by is great and all, but there's power in knowing what's actually in them.
Keeping everyone SAFE
Now, think about how often you use multiple products in your home.

According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, in just a 3 month time period in 2020, there was a 10% increase in poison exposure due to household cleaners.
“During this period, 98% of exposures to household cleaners occurred in a residence”, said Richard Fogelson, AAPCC Chief Executive Officer. “Household cleaners sometimes come in shiny bright colored packages that are intriguing to the adult eye but to a naturally curious child these packages resemble candy and toys. Our team wants to ensure that we provide the public with the most accurate data to help keep families safe and prevent accidental poison exposures.”
Read more HERE
There will always be new products showing up on the shelves.. shiny bottles that are intriguing to the eye - and especially to young children. You can protect your family by following a few simple recommendations.
Keep products up high and out of reach of children and pets
Use child safety locks where necessary
Review labels to ensure correct usage
Purchase products that do not contain toxic chemicals
Preparation is key in an emergency. Be sure you have the poison control number saved in your phone. Text POISON to 797979 to save the Poison Help Hotline as a contact in your mobile phone.
Finding products that can sanitize, disinfect and eliminate 99.999% of microbes can be a task - unless you know who to ask. Check out the LastGerm process and realize how simple it can be to provide your family, business, or school with safe, effective products.
Have questions? Find an agent near you that is happy to assist you.