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Mar 29, 20235 min read
The Fungus that is Among Us
There is a video game out there called "The Last of Us." They have capitalized on the game's popularity by creating a series on HBO/Max....
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Feb 15, 20233 min read
A bird in the hand . . . might infect the whole flock
There is an old saying that goes something like this, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." The basic meaning was that if you...
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Feb 1, 20233 min read
Protecting your athletes
Protecting your athletes whether you are a coach, a parent, a grandparent, a friend, or an athlete yourself is important. There are many...
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Jan 3, 20234 min read
Make it the best year ever
There are a lot of posts out there about making resolutions and setting goals and plans. A lot of it is the same regurgitated hooey that...
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Sep 7, 20224 min read
Bugs on the bus?
It is hard to believe that school is back in session. It's back too "early to bed and early to rise" for children and parents all over...
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Jul 12, 20224 min read
How to beat the heat
It's mid-summer and with the warmer temperatures, many of us look for ways to beat the heat. Read on for our top suggestions of how to...
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Jun 7, 20223 min read
How to take care of insect bites, sunburn and more
Yep, the cartoonist who inked this strip sure had that right! Mosquitoes suck! Mosquitoes and other insects can make your summertime...
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Apr 19, 20223 min read
TLC for what ails you . . .
As we talked about in last week's blog, wound care is something we don't think about often... until we REALLY need it! Recently, Lastgerm...
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